Looking after your lawn in winter

Looking after your lawn in winter

Typically when people think of lawn care, they usually get mental images of people watering and mowing their lawn in summer. However, it is also worth remembering that your surface needs looking after throughout the year. Here is what you should know about looking after your lawn in winter.

Keep off the lawn

Ideally, you should encourage people not to use the lawn during winter. If plants are damaged during this time they will not be able to repair themselves until spring.

One way to prevent damage to the lawn is to add stepping stones or a path, so people can have access without stepping on to the grass and damaging it.

Avoid mowing

It is fair to say that winter isn’t always cold and unexpected warm days can happen. During this time, mowing is possible. However, you should not mow during heavy frost or if there is a lot of rain expected. It is also recommended that you let grass grow around 25 per cent more than usual during these conditions.

This is also a good time to get your mower serviced- for example, the blades need to be sharp for mowing. If the blades are dull, this will tear through the grass as oppose to cut it and this can cause more damage to the surface in the long term.

Another issue during winter is that any newly laid turf can be lifted off in the colder conditions. This can be corrected by waiting until conditions are a bit drier and using a heavy roller in order to get the turf back into position (note, remember to roll it gently.)

Remove debris

Raking the lawn is one part of keeping a lawn preserved during winter. Leaves or other debris could block the grass from getting air and nutrients, which is why they need to be cleared away.

Keep up aeration

While you may not want people using the lawn, one exception to this is with aeration. You can either do this with a pitchfork or you can use special aeration shoes, these allow you to add holes in the surface.  The reason you do this is to improve the drainage, making the surface healthier in the long term.

Potential pests

People often think of worms as pests. However, worms can actually be beneficial, as they improve the soil’s structure and nutrient content. Moles on the other hand can be damaging- you can address these by removing mounds and over-seeding in spring.

We’re here to help you

Lawn Care Southampton is here for our clients in the local area. We have been working hard for more than seven years, doing our bit to keep their lawns in the best possible condition, even during more challenging times and colder conditions. To find out more about the lawn care services we have to offer and to get a quote, please contact us today and we will be happy to discuss your needs in more detail.